понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

fence shadowbox wood

House on the rock was amazing. I had a great weekend. No pictures to post, but definitely a creepy movie in the future.

but aside: i am so freaked out about next fall. Losing weight, losing sleep. Freaking out about my writing/whether or not anyone will think itapos;s good (i can worry about my own notion of its goodness after i get accepted somewhere.) freaking out about what i will do if i donapos;t get accepted somewhere (move to madison, iapos;m thinking, and probably take any crap job i can get.) bottom-line: iapos;m a control freak when it comes to the long-term stuff, and iapos;m losing it. Itapos;s a good thing i had to stay here another year and re-evaluate things, because i have no idea how i wouldapos;ve done this last year.

(you may ask yourself: if youapos;re such a control freak, why are you even thinking about applying to creative writing programs? isnapos;t that a ridiculously subjective process/one that is unlikely to work in your favor? yes and yes. I am dumb, but the idea wedged itself into my brain and now i am stubborn stubborn stubborn.)

hopefully iapos;ll get lots of $$$ from the wedding. Enough to pay my rent for the first two months if i become a poor grad school reject who has to find a job.

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