воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

bulk paq

1. What is your path? Just to understand (Iapos;m just getting back into this sorry)
2. How long have you been practicing? On and off since I was 13 (Iapos;m 21 now)
3. Do you follow any certain deities? If so who? My aunt and my Ma(who was murdered in 2005, sheapos;s the one that really got me into stuff)
4. Practice any type of Divination? What types? Iapos;m still trying to re-learn all this, thatapos;s why I joined this group to help me, I will answer soon)
5. What do you hope to see/learn in this community? To learn more and share stories with others, make some new friends since I only have 1 wiccan friend.
6. Anything else youapos;d like to share? Yes, I have spirits that follow me, stand at the end of my bed. Most of the time they are harmless, but sometimes not. My cat is good at helping me with things. Iapos;ve had many experiences in my life Iapos;m really to share.

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